Friday, March 19, 2010


There is always lots of questions around election time when it comes to fundraising. Each side fires shots of shady donor contributions. It is my opinion that the questions raised can be, and are valid. It is impossible to honestly say that if someone would give you thousands of dollars that they would not have your ear when they want something to happen that is of interest to them. Can you tell me that we are best served to have the politicians raising money and have questions about their ethics? That is a slippery slope that many politicians flirt with. I think, to eliminate the possible conflict of interest is to do away with fundraising altogether. The politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS, why not put their running for office in the public service announcement realm? Put rules on how they run(to be addressed in another blog). Just stick to the facts and let the people decide who is best suited to represent them. If they are allowed to get the same amount of FREE press and publicity, there will be less questions about pockets getting lined with money from "special interests".

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