Friday, March 19, 2010


There is always lots of questions around election time when it comes to fundraising. Each side fires shots of shady donor contributions. It is my opinion that the questions raised can be, and are valid. It is impossible to honestly say that if someone would give you thousands of dollars that they would not have your ear when they want something to happen that is of interest to them. Can you tell me that we are best served to have the politicians raising money and have questions about their ethics? That is a slippery slope that many politicians flirt with. I think, to eliminate the possible conflict of interest is to do away with fundraising altogether. The politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS, why not put their running for office in the public service announcement realm? Put rules on how they run(to be addressed in another blog). Just stick to the facts and let the people decide who is best suited to represent them. If they are allowed to get the same amount of FREE press and publicity, there will be less questions about pockets getting lined with money from "special interests".

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Term Limits for elected officials

I think the time is long overdue for term limits to be imposed on our representatives and senators like there is for our president. With the way that things currently are, it feels like our government is in a perpetual groundhog's day. The only time anything seems to be able to get accomplished is when the government wants to intervene in sports. Maybe if term limits are imposed it will be easier to get stuff accomplished. There is a possibility of less influence from special interest groups and more influence from the people.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Political Side Shows

He who yells the loudest must be the one who is right. We all know that isn't right but that is the feel that I get from both sides. Unfortunately, it is not just the politicians doing this. The gamut ranges from the media to actors to activists groups. We have Keith Olberman, Bill O'Reilly and the Glenn Beck's of television who's words people take as gospel. Through their constant smirks, crying, belittling and condemnations they will bash anyone who doesn't agree with their political agenda. Do they actually take time to read the bills and policies before they comment on them? If anyone wants to really know what is the truth and what is a fallicy you can go to We had Alec Baldwin threatning to leave the country if Bush was elected (Alec stayed in the country). Fortunately not everyone will do something JUST because a celebrity tells them to. Finally we have the TEA Partiers. This WAS a great concept. What I don't like about them is, where was there discontent when this was happening with former President Bush? If you really care about the country why pick and choose who you will protest against? What the TEA partiers are railing against started with President Bush.

I'm all for challenging something if it is wrong, not just when it is convenient or an annoyance to me. It is way to easy to be discontent when the crowd is large, even if you don't totally agree with the whole message. You are allowed to disagree, that is what this great country was founded on. People throw out the words socialism way too easily because they think they know what they are talking about. Take a page from Dr. King and Reverend Shuttlesworth's book and stand up for what you believe in but be smart about it. Anymore when you stand up for what you believe and it don't fall in line with what the Democrats and Republicans think you will be looked down on. That is ok, it is called being an individual. Do not be afraid to be an individual, you will find that you will be more satisfied with yourself when you are not a lemming.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

High unemployment and the disconnect of the government

As umemployment remains at 9.7 percent and over 14 million Americans without a job(somewhere around the populations of New York City and Los Angeles combined), it seems to the blue collar worker that there is a disconnect between them and their elected officials. It feels that all the fighting on Capitol Hill is nothing more than posturing for votes in this year's elections. Why is it that grown men and women can't put their political differences aside and work for the common good of the people that put them in office? All we hear is Republican this and Democrat that. It is long over due for America to get out of the two party system. If we can do that maybe our elected officials will be able to work toward a solution to get the jobless rate down.